The mission of RCF Career Advancement Strategies (RCF) is to provide premium services that help people of all career levels and demographics get paid more and hired faster. In order to give those with less financial means the same benefit of RCF's expert services, we have implemented a Results First, Pay Later option, which will be referred to in these terms as a "Deferred Payment Plan."
The professionals of Resume Consulting Firm commit a lot of time and effort into each client’s career advancement journey. Most of the techniques and methodologies we use are exclusive to RCF—and we’ve put them into practice for your success. Employment History and Income Verification are vital to RCF’s ability to continue to provide services to clients benefiting from our services at an affordable cost.
As part of the 8-week challenge, or the 4-week accelerated challenge, the Silver Savings Plan, and the Gold Savings Plans both include a Deferred Payment Plan.
By accepting the terms and conditions I promise to pay RCF, the amounts in accordance with the due dates and cost of services necessary for the collection of any amount not paid when due. I further understand and agree to comply with the TERMS AND CONDITIONS stated hereafter.
Rise Terms and Conditions
I understand that a $149 registration fee is due to enroll in this Program Plan.
I agree to pay my program balance under the terms of this Plan after I am hired.
I agree to submit to RCF's income verification requests for both current and future positions for the purpose of calculating my balance for services, as they deem necessary.
I agree to notify RCF in writing of any changes to my address and contact information.
I agree to notify RCF in writing if I accept an employment offer, whether with my current or new employer.
I agree to pay all my installments on time, understanding that this means on or before the due date established.
I agree to set up automatic electronic bi-weekly payments with my initial due date starting on the date of my 2nd paycheck.
I agree that the balance due will be based on the Savings plan I choose of one of the following:
Silver Savings - 4 bi-weekly payments of $200, for a total of $800.
Gold Savings - 2 bi-weekly payments of $350, for a total of $700
Platinum Savings - one time total pre-payment of $549 (includes $149 registration fee).
I understand that after I accept a new position or raise if I should get another position after that date, the installment dates and amounts do not change.
I understand that deferment payments received are first applied against the oldest outstanding amounts.
I understand that withdrawal from the program does not alter in any way the terms or conditions of this note.
My Guarantee – I understand that in order to gain maximum success in the program, I must attend each 1-hour weekly meeting for 8 consecutive weeks and fulfill the weekly action assignments before the following meeting. I must also participate in the interview prep session. If I do not fulfill any and all of these requirements, I forfeit the right to my Program Guarantee.
Notice. My agreement of this note shall constitute full and complete notice of the terms, conditions, and obligations therein, and no further notice of action by RCF consistent with the terms or conditions hereof is required. I understand that any charges must be contested within ten (10) days of receipt of this signed agreement, or any right to dispute the charges is waived.
Program Guarantee Terms
If I follow the 8-week program and don’t receive a higher-paying job within 12 weeks, I will receive 100% cash back for any program-associated costs paid, and will not be responsible to pay any additional balance due for the cost of the program. I will choose how I receive my cash refund through either Venmo, Cash App, or Zelle.
Although the program is 8 weeks, the guarantee term is 12 weeks in order to provide employers with a 4-week response period. Upon completing the program, you will automatically receive a survey in your inbox so that RCF can celebrate your success or begin the refund process. You have 30 days to complete the survey and secure a refund.
We use employment history information to verify your employment history in line with requests similar to those potential employers may require. In addition, we use employment history and income verification specifically when a client has not been verified for 12 weeks.
If after 12 weeks I attest that I have not received a new job offer, I agree to employment history and income verification.
I agree to submit to RCF's income verification requests for both my current employment and future positions for the purpose of verifying my refund.
I agree to notify RCF in writing if I accept an employment offer.
I understand that RCF may, at its option, do any or all of the following to verify employment history and income verification:
a) Request completion of verification request from Income and Employment verification service provider such as The Work Number by Equifax
b) Request a verbal or written employment history from me
c) Request proof of income in the form of pay stubs or wage statement
d) Request a verbal or written employment history from my current or former employer
5. I agree to provide all of the information requested by RCF under the provisions of this agreement.
Late Payment & Default Policy
1. Payments not received by the due date will result in a $100.00 late fee per due date passed and an additional $100.00 late fee every 30 days late thereafter.
2. After any payment has remained unpaid in whole or in part for more than thirty (30) days after the due date, RCF may, at its option, do any or all of the following until payment is made in full under all the provisions of this agreement:
Institute wage garnishment on the unpaid amount until the balance due is paid in full.
Institute collection proceedings on the unpaid amount as well as any attorney's fees or other costs or charges necessary for the collection of any or all of the balance due.
Cancel current services.
Deny access to products, services, and future registration.
Deny access to any and all RCF services regardless of their relationship to the fees or charges deferred.
False Information
False Information where I, the obligor, give false information on the status of employment and it is discovered that the I, the obligor, false employment status or provided other false information prior to applying for the program and accepting this Agreement then I agree to pay the total amount of the payment agreement as outlined in the terms to begin payment immediately with an additional default penalty charge payment of $1,000.00 due immediately.
For Your Safety
RCF will never request your social security number. The deferred payment plan is available to all participants and is not subject to credit approval. However, if you choose Affirm as your payment option, you are subject to their requests, terms, and conditions and your credit may be subject to an eligibility check. Affirm is a third-party payment solution and has no affiliation with RCF.
If you require further clarification about these Terms, please contact support@rcfresume.com
Last Revision: August 15, 2023